Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Twitter and Me

Before I had to use Twitter in this class I hated it. I have a personal Twitter account but I never used it. I honestly thought Twitter was for the birds!(pun intended). No but seriously I despised Twitter. Now that I get a chance to use Twitter for more than tweeting about what I ate for lunch, I like it a little more. Not only is Twitter used for tweeting about your life, it can also be used for communicating with other Educators and students. Today in class we did a group test. This test was silent and the only way you could communicate with the members in your group was through Twitter. Never in a million years would I have guessed I would be taking a test that involved Twitter! Because of this, I now understand the importance of using technology/internet/networking in the classrooms. So many new doors could be opened up to those who choose to teach/learn via social networking. Twitter is just one example of what is available to today's teachers/learners. The possibilities are endless for a 21st century teacher & learner.


  1. I felt the same way about twitter forever then i liked using it in a classroom, u should add how u think you would use it in your future class

  2. I was so confused when I first started tweeting but now I love it :) it is definalty something you have to learn to love and to use. I like your picture! Same as above^^ add how you would use twitter in your future classroom. oh yeah I'm following you now!

  3. I love the background for your blog because it obviously says a lot about you and your style! The only thing I would change is the color of the text because it can be a bit hard to read at times. Other than that, I liked the "follow me" picture with the link to your Twitter account. I thought that was extremely clever!

  4. I too shared a general dislike of Twitter. Now that I see the educational side of it though I can imagine truly great possibilities for its use in the classroom.

  5. I also thought that twitter was kind of dumb before we used it to take a test now i see how helpful it can be in a classroom. Twitter is a lot easier to use now that i have learned about it and it can do so much more then I originally thought.

  6. I liked this post alot. I also thought twitter was dumb before this class.

  7. Before this class I also had a twitter account, but no reason to use it. I thought twitter was stupid. But this class showed me how I could incorporate it into both my learning and later teaching.

  8. I like how you explained how twitter can be used differently and became useful to you. You did a good job showing this and was persuasive to others to join twitter for educational purposes.

  9. I love your background. I never looked at twitter differently till now I just used it follow musicians I liked and celebrities. Now i'm following teachers and looking for ideas to use in the classroom.
